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2023-12-03 22:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


imagine + doing sth.或者 + one's doing sth. 如果用imagine oneself,则后边用 to do sth. 例句Can you imagine living with such a boring man?Can you imagine yourself to live with such a boring man?呵呵 希望对你有所帮助 祝楼主进步哈 圣诞节快乐~\(≧▽≦)/~啦啦啦

“imagine to do”与“imagine doing”的区别是什么?

imagine to do与imagine doing的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1.imagine to do意思:想着去做某事。

2.imagine doing意思:我想着在做某事。


1.imagine to do用法:基本含义是“想象”,即把五官感觉不到的东西在内心加以描述。这些东西可能是实际上并不存在的,也可能是虽然存在但尚不了解的,这时译为“猜想”“料想”。

2.imagine doing用法:接由名词、代词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语的复合宾语; 而在表示“想象…”或“假定…”时则可接that/what从句。


1.imagine to do侧重点:imagine to do强调有做某事的意愿,to do是还没做。

2.imagine doing侧重点:iamgine doing强调做事的状态,doing是已经做了。

imagine的用法 要用法

1.想像, 设想 I can imagine the scene clearly in my mind.我可以清楚地想像出那个情景。I cannot imagine what to do in this dreadful situation.我不能想像在这么糟的情况下该怎么办。I can't imagine lying like that. I would go crazy.我无法想像那样躺着的情形, 我会发疯的。You don't imagine it is true.你别想像那是真的。He imagined himself as manager of the company.他把自己想像为公司的经理。2.料想, 猜想 There's nobody following us—you're just imagining it!没有人跟着我们——你只不过是猜想而已。I don't imagine they will come if it rains.我认为天如果下雨, 他们是不会来的。They imagined your ship wrecked.他们以为你的船遇难了。3.想 He is always imagining dangers that don't exist.他总是想着那些其实并不存在的危险。I imagine she was pretty annoyed when she found out.我想她发现此事后一定很生气。“Does she know what kind of tablets she's taken today?”“I imagine so.”“她知道今天她吃了什么药了吗?”“我想她知道。”4.误认为,胡乱猜测


imagine [i'mædʒin] vt. 想像;猜想;臆断vi. 想像;猜想;想像起来[ 过去式imagined 过去分词imagined 现在分词imagining ] 例句:The boy likes to imagine himself an astronaut.这小孩喜欢把自己想像为宇航员。I could imagine having an adventure with them.我可以想象和它们一起去冒险。Imagine a piece of music which expresses love.设想一段表现爱情的音乐。You can imagine that we have a new cable and IT staffer .你能想象我们有一个新电报和信息技术职员。IMAGINE that you are invited to lunch at Oxford University.设想你被邀请去牛津大学享用午餐。Let's imagine tying a rope to a tree and yanking the free end up and down.让我们想象将一根绳索栓在树上,拽住没有固定的那端用劲上下甩动。More important, imagine what would have happened, in the absence of the euro.更为重要的是,让我们想象一下:如果没有欧元会发生什么?Imagine, by contrast, an elastic band that passes through the hole in a doughnut.而相比之下,试想一下橡皮圈若是与油炸圈饼相扣的话。They asked amnesia patients in a study to imagine new experiences and then describe them.他们让研究中的五名健忘病患者想象一些新的经历并描述出来。"I cannot imagine that this would be unsolvable, " said a fund manager based in Shanghai.“我很难想象这个问题会无法解决,”驻上海的一位基金经理表示。We can take the mysterious, hazy future and carve out of it anything that we can imagine.我们可以掌握神秘而不可知的未来,从中开创出我们所能想象的任何东西。The researchers asked all of the men in the study to imagine themselves in different situations.研究人员让该研究中的所有人想象自己处于各种不同的场景中。I can imagine that a person with a service heart might wish he or she did not have a service heart.我能想象得到一个有“服务之心”(或:仆人之心)的人也许希望他/她本来没有这样的”心“。We all know or we think we know what race is, but in fact that question is much more subtle than most people imagine.我们都知道或者我们都以为自己知道种族是什么,但实际上这个问题比大多数人所想的要微妙很多。Those who fondly imagine that success in banking can remain an uninterrupted path to untold riches should think again.那些天真地以为在银行业的成功仍是通往数不清财富的大道的人应该反思。Russians were astonished by Mr Obama's election. They could not imagine that American voters would elect a black president.俄罗斯人对于奥巴马当选感到吃惊。他们无法想象美国人会选出一位黑人总统。


inmagine想像;假设,猜测Imagine的用法 Imagine vt. ①imagine that / what clause,后接that或what引导的宾语从句。 ②imagine (sb/sb’s)doing想象(某人)做某事 ③imagine sb. / sth. (to be) adj. / as + n. / prep. 后接复合宾语, 即宾语+宾语补足语, 宾语补足语通常是由不定式(to be)加形容词或as加名词构成的。 eg.①You can imagine the situation there. 你可以想象那里的情况。 ②I can't imagine what he looks like. 我想象不出他是什么长相。 ③Don't imagine yourself to be always correct. 不要以为自己总是对。 ④ I can’t imagine walking all the way to the North Pole. 我无法想象怎样一路走到北极去。 ⑤Try to imagine living on the moon. 想象生活在月球上。 ⑥I can hardly imagine Peter sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.我几乎不能想象彼得在五天内就横渡了大西洋。 ⑦---There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man. ---My goodness! I can’t imagine being that old. ——这里的报纸上有一篇关于一位110岁老人的故事。 ——天哪!我很难想象(他能)活那么久。 ⑧Nelson imagines that he will be a famous violinist, but he doesn’t practise. 纳尔逊想成为一个有名的小提琴家, 但他就是不练习。 ⑨Can you imagine what he is doing now? 你想他现在正在干什么? ⑩I can just imagine what the place is going to look like in a few years.我能想象出这个地方几年后会变成什么样子。 More examples: ①The girl imagines the gentleman as her father. 这女孩把那位绅士想象成她的父亲。 ②I imagine our new head teacher as a reasonable man. 我想象新的班主任是一个通情达理的人。 ③He imagines everything to be easy. 他想象一切都是容易的。 ④Please imagine yourself (to be)in his place. 请设想你自己处于他的位置。 ⑤The boy imagines himself becoming a scientist.这孩子想象自己成了科学家。 ⑥He imagined her to be a good physician. 他猜想她是一位好医生。

Imagine to do sth和imagine doing sth 有什么区别

Imagine to do sth和imagine doing sth的区别为:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同。


1.Imagine to do sth意思:想象做某事。

2.imagine doing sth意思:想着在做某事。


1.Imagine to do sth用法:基本含义是“想象”,即把五官感觉不到的东西在内心加以描述。这些东西可能是实际上并不存在的,也可能是虽然存在但尚不了解的,这时译为“猜想”“料想”。

2.imagine doing sth用法:imagine及物动词,其主语一般是表示人的名词或代词。在表示“想象某人物事可能存在或发生”时,可接sb、sth,在表示“想象或认为某人做某事”时,可接名词、代词或动名词作宾语,可接由名词、代词、形容词、现在分词、过去分词作宾语补足语的复合宾语。


1.Imagine to do sth侧重点:侧重于强调有做某事的意愿。

2.imagine doing sth侧重点:侧重于强调做某事的状态。




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